San Diego County Boosts Customer Satisfaction by 445% with CXone (2024)



    The Health and Human Services Agency for the County of San Diego promotes wellness, self sufficiency and a better quality of life for the 3.3 million residents of San Diego County.


    • CXone Omnichannel Management
    • CXone Feedback Management
    • CXone Personal Connection
    • CXone SMS
    • CXone Email
    • CXone Performance Management
    • CXone Screen Recording
    • CXone Interactions Analytics
    • CXone Quality Management Analytics


    • 511% increase in the number of satisfaction surveys returned
    • 445% increase in customer satisfaction
    • 93% reduction in time to return calls
    • 91% reduction in average wait time
    • 75% reduction in average speed to answer
    • 71% reduction in abandoned calls
    • 5% improvement in employee satisfaction, productivity and attendance
    • 5% reduction in negative feedback rate on surveys


    The Access Customer Service Center is the contact center for San Diego County’s Health and Human Services Agency, which offers food assistance, cash, healthcare, employment service and housing support for San Diego County’s more than 3.3 million residents.

    Access employs 2,500 agents who pride themselves on offering world-class customer service to San Diego County’s most vulnerable population while supporting healthy, safe and thriving communities. Access handles an annual contact volume of 1.8 million, making it one of the busiest government con- tact centers in the country.


    The Access Customer Service Center’s mission is to provide outstanding customer service. However, its on-premises Avaya system made it difficult to achieve that goal because callers often received busy signals or calls were dropped. This was especially problematic during crises, like the COVID-19 pandemic, when call volumes rose precipitously.

    “One of our biggest issues with Avaya was that it could only sustain so many ports which limited the number of incoming calls,” Mike Schmidt, Human Services Operations Manager explains. “Callers received busy signals when port capacity was reached and sometimes calls were dropped altogether. As you can imagine, that’s a frustrating experience for our customers. On top of that, if a caller is trying to get help to feed their family, waiting on hold just adds to the emotional trauma they’re experiencing. It was one of our biggest frustrations with the Avaya system.”

    Avaya was also a complex system to learn and difficult to customize and maintain. “Avaya wasn’t exactly user-friendly. Also, it wasn’t a cloud system which meant we didn’t have the flexibility to move the agents to alternative locations. That became a big issue when the pandemic hit, and we needed to quickly transition them to working from home.”

    • “We’re always striving for world-class customer service.”

      Mike Schmidt

      Human Services Operations Manager
      County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency


    To address these issues, Access Customer Service Center knew it was time to look for a cloud con- tact center platform. Mike says, “Our top priority was improving customer satisfaction. This was very important because we wanted to minimize any frustrations our already vulnerable clients are experiencing when they contact us.”

    After evaluating multiple solutions, Access chose NICE CXone, in part because of the company’s deep experience in serving government agencies. “NICE CXone has many government customers,” says Mike. “That was important to us as we knew they’d understand our operations.”

    Mike continues, “Another key criteria was giving our customers a much more pleasant, seamless and consistent experience.”

    To that end, Access simplified its IVR to just three options. “The CXone IVR enabled us to simplify our IVR’s previous complexity so it’s much easier for customers to navigate. We’ve already received a lot of positive feedback on that improvement,” says Mike.

    CXone also enables the Access team to record new IVR messages. Human Services Operations Manager Terra Berhe explains, “If we have an emergency, we can quickly record a new message that explains the actions callers can take. The old system required creating a support ticket, which took more time to implement the changes. It’s ex- ceptional that CXone lets us make these system updates ourselves.”

    Also, port limitations and busy signals are now a thing of the past. “CXone’s scalability lets us quick- ly scale up or down based on call fluctuations. Our customers no longer get a busy signal and CXone automatically scales our staff to handle any vol- ume of calls,” says Terra.

    All these improvements improved the customer experience and contributed to a 91% reduction in average wait time, a 75% decrease in average speed to answer and a 71% reduction in aban- doned calls.


    CXone ensures business continuity

    Because CXone is a cloud platform, it makes re- mote work possible, which was a big selling point for the Access team.

    According to Mike, “A few years ago, one of our locations suffered a power outage that left two- thirds of our workforce unable to take calls, which meant our customers couldn’t access crucial health and social services.”

    Access would have experienced a similar situation at the beginning of the pandemic if they hadn’t al- ready switched to CXone. “Since CXone is a cloud platform, within two days we were able to move over 80% of our staff to remote work. No calls were dropped, nor was one busy signal received during the transition.”

    Mike adds, “Giving staff the ability to work from home also reduces costs and improves employee productivity. We’re a government agency, so we try to be very aware of how taxpayers’ dollars are spent. CXone’s flexibility enabled us to move to a smaller office location that’s less expensive.”

    Boosted agent engagement

    By integrating all functionality on CXone’s unified platform, the council now has visibility into all as- pects of the customer experience.“One of the biggest benefits realised is improved visibility into all of our processes. Our senior stakeholders ap- preciate having an in-depth view of our customer service operations. And, it helps to drive a con- tinuous improvement focus on our operations.”

    Dave continues: “With CXone, we can examine all the processes we use to service interactions. We use that information to make process improve- ments and system enhancements. This level of visibility enables better decision making.

    ”Council is also starting to use CXone Performance Management to track performance and identify the root cause of issues. “The real-time dashboards within CXone Performance Management are in- sightful. They’re helping us achieve our goals and improve performance.

    ”The agents are also enthusiastic about how CXone has changed their jobs for the better. CXone removed the tedious manual processes they used to do and increased the variety of work. Now agents have a solution that works and gives customers a really good quality experience.”

    Customer satisfaction grows 445%

    Access also uses customer feedback to measure satisfaction and identify needed improvements. “We send customers postcall surveys using CXone Feedback Management which tell us exactly where we’re doing well and areas for improve- ment. The feedback is that we’re doing much better. In fact, the number of satisfaction surveys we’ve received back from customers grew 511% and the number of positive surveys increased 445%. It’s also encouraging that negative feed- back fell 5%.”

    When Access does receive negative feedback, it reaches out to customers to identify the issue’s root cause. Mike explains, “With CXone Feedback Management, we can identify issues that we wouldn’t have know existed. A great example is callback time. Our customers complained it took too long to receive a return call. Initially, we were returning calls in 30-minutes; now we’re currently at two minutes—a 93% reduction!”

    Agent satisfaction increases 5%

    Employee satisfaction was another area Mike wanted to target and improve. Using CXone Performance Management, Mike and his team created contests and awards that are motivating and driving higher performance. “The gamification initiatives have been really well-received and are improving agent engagement.” Gamification also contributed to improving agent satisfaction, pro- ductivity and attendance by 5%.

    Access also uses CXone Interaction Analytics to analyze calls based on sentiment rating and key phrases to identify when agents need further training.

    “We use CXone Interactions Analytics to filter calls based on sentiment rating, which is huge. There’s no way we could analyze such a large volume of calls ourselves. We also search for calls that need improvement, such as when an agent forgets the greeting or if a customer expresses a concern,” says Brandon Villanueva, Program Specialist.

    “Since the data is real-time, we can immediately coach the agent, and they can correlate the feedback back to a specific call,” says Brandon.

    Mike also says CXone was invaluable during the pandemic. “Even though we were moving 80% of our staff to working from home, no calls were dropped and not one of our customers received a busy signal. That’s the type of experience we’re striving for at our contact center.”

  • San Diego County Boosts Customer Satisfaction by 445% with CXone (2024)


    What is customer satisfaction in call center answer? ›

    Customer satisfaction in call centers is a measurement of how pleased your customers are with the three most important aspects of a positive call center experience: fast resolution, real-time support, and a friendly agent.

    How do you meet 100% customer satisfaction? ›

    7 tips for ensuring customer satisfaction is high
    1. Ask for feedback and take action. ...
    2. Offer multiple forms of communication for customer support. ...
    3. Design a custom contact form. ...
    4. Respond in a timely manner. ...
    5. Provide 24/7 customer support. ...
    6. Create customer rewards. ...
    7. Give transparent information.

    How can one achieve a great customer satisfaction feedback? ›

    20 Ways to Increase Customer Satisfaction
    • Understand your customers. ...
    • Create a customer-centric culture. ...
    • Put yourself in the customer's shoes. ...
    • Lead with empathy, always. ...
    • Always ask for feedback. ...
    • Act on customer feedback. ...
    • Give your support teams everything they need to succeed. ...
    • Respond to customer reviews.
    Mar 30, 2022

    What is a good customer satisfaction rate in a call center? ›

    Customer Satisfaction Score Benchmark

    The call center industry standard for a good Csat Score is 75% to 84%. The World-class Csat Score is 85% or higher, and only 5% of call centers can achieve a World-class Csat Score.

    How do you answer customer satisfaction? ›

    Here are eight easy-to-follow tips on how to write your customer satisfaction survey answers.
    1. Create relevant questions and answers related to what you want to analyze. ...
    2. Write short, clear, and precise questions and answers. ...
    3. Offer a balanced response choice. ...
    4. Focus on one element at a time.
    Jun 14, 2022

    What is a good customer satisfaction percentage? ›

    While CSAT scores vary by industry, a good score typically falls between 75% and 85%. Since CSAT measures only your promoter scores, obtaining a near-perfect score is difficult. Having a score of 75% means that three out of every four customers gave you a positive score instead of a negative or neutral one.

    What is the key to customer satisfaction? ›

    With that out of the way, let's go through the 10 key customer satisfaction measures:
    • Speed. Speed measures how quickly you delivered your product or service to the end customer. ...
    • Quality. ...
    • Pricing. ...
    • Complaints. ...
    • Customer loyalty. ...
    • Intention to repurchase. ...
    • Interactions with staff. ...
    • Satisfaction.

    How would you describe excellent customer satisfaction? ›

    What is great customer service? Great customer service means following best practices like valuing customers' time, having a pleasant attitude, and providing knowledgeable and resourceful resources, but that you also take things a step further to exceed — rather than just meet — expectations.

    What are the key drivers of customer satisfaction? ›

    Customer satisfaction drivers are the factors that influence how happy your customers are with your products or services. They can vary depending on your industry, market, and value proposition, but they usually include aspects such as quality, price, convenience, reliability, and service.

    How do we increase customer satisfaction? ›

    7 techniques to improve customer satisfaction
    1. Understand your customer journey—firsthand. ...
    2. Listen to your customers. ...
    3. Offer proactive multi-channel support. ...
    4. Act on customer feedback. ...
    5. Personalize your user experience. ...
    6. Leverage NPS and CSAT scores. ...
    7. Follow up with your customers.
    Sep 15, 2022

    What drives customer satisfaction? ›

    Product or service quality

    Product quality is an important factor in customer satisfaction. If your product is of low quality, customers are unlikely to return. Your customer service quality might be excellent, but it will mean little if customers don't enjoy your products.

    What is customer satisfaction interview answer? ›

    Customer satisfaction refers to the level of satisfaction customers have with a company's products or services. This important metric can be evaluated through surveys, feedback, and repeat business.

    What is customer satisfaction in simple words? ›

    Customer satisfaction is defined as a measurement that determines how happy customers are with a company's products, services, and capabilities. Customer satisfaction information, including surveys and ratings, can help a company determine how to best improve or changes its products and services.

    How would you define good customer satisfaction? ›

    Good customer service involves promptly addressing customer needs, offering clear communication, and resolving issues effectively. It prioritizes a positive customer experience through empathy, responsiveness, and a commitment to exceeding expectations, fostering lasting relationships.

    How to satisfy customers in a call center? ›

    14 customer service tips for contact centers.
    1. Engage in active listening. ...
    2. Highlight understanding. ...
    3. Be courteous. ...
    4. Call the customer by their name. ...
    5. Go the extra mile. ...
    6. Ask open questions. ...
    7. Empower customers with the right information.
    Jul 18, 2023

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