Herald and Review from Decatur, Illinois (2024)

DECATUR DAILY REVIEW DECATUR HERALD Classified Decatur, Illinois, Tuesday, February 6, 1973 Farmers' Markets 42 Help Wanted 26 07 26 ALWAYS BE FIRST WITH H. INC. Plush surroundings, new company. Will train personable individual for receptionist. Will see beginners.

$300. Secretary: variety of duties. S350. Credit Office: accounts receivable. Heavy customer contact.

Will work into very responsible position. $400. Customer Service to represent this excellent firm. $400. Computer Operator: see trainees, $400.

I.E.: 2 years college or 3 years experience. Local. $10,500 -up. Enaineer: local, product manager, process, AaT.E., I.E., C.E. degree.

Fees pd. Accountants: all levels, local or relocate. All fees paid. Sales Monaaer, heavy equipment, excellent potential, Fee pd. Helen Collins rersonnel, Inc.

158 S. Water, Lie Agcy. 423-6909 26 07 Associated Personnel Tool and Cam Designer: For Brown Share screw machines. Several years experience and tech school or college background, salary very open. i-ee paid.

Standards Engineer: College or several years experience. Farm Chemicals Plant Manager: Product knowledge. Ability to sell. Good salary. Computer Operator: Nights.

Will train. Lob Tech: Colleae chemistry and knowledge of metric system. $500. Manager Trainees: Fast paced companies. Unlimited opportunities.

iOsu. 652 Citizens 423-J591, Lie. Agcy. 26 07 BETTY ORMOND PERSONNEL: Lie Agcy; Professional placement service, 1043 W. Eldorado, ph.

422-9036. 26 09 ELDERLY MAN for lanitor work. Short hours. Ken's Tap. 230 W.

Wood. 26 06 EXPERIENCED Truck Mechanic, 40 hour week. Glatz Truck Trailer Sales. Apply in person. 26 06 EXPERIENCED Farm Hands with recent references, needed for both seasonal and year round work.

Ph. 429-5333. Illinois State Employment Service, 217 W. Prairie. 26 10 GIRL who likes to work with people, days, interesting and rewarding work.

Learn business and camera areas of photography. Experienced or will train, prefer 25 and over. Apply Burchett Studios, 111 N. Main. 26 07 HELP WANTED, full and part time.

Apply 1816 N. Water. 26 07 Job Security WOULD YOU LIKE SOME? We have full time positions available for men and women. These jobs require no previous experience. If you are interested in a job with good salary and benefits, apply at the Personnel Office of Decatur Memorial Hospital.

An Equal Opportunity Employer 26 12 LADY to live in and care tor elderly lady. Nice home, evce'ient conditions, in Macon. Reterences. Write Box 805 Herald and Review. 26 09 Lum's Restaurant Immediate openings for waitresses ond counter men, nights, part time or full time.

Apply in person to Manager, 1385 E. Pershing. 26 06 MAN to work steady or port time year around form work. References required. Cerro Gordo 763-6186.

25 09 MAN. PART TIME, 3 to 11 p.m. and 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. Apply While Men raniry.

1645 W. Grand. Ask for Larry Franz 26 10 i MAN for Cemetery Work. Only men wan ting full time, outaoor worK, neea apply. Macon Co.

Memorial Park. 540 Millikln Court, 132 S. Water. 26 06 MEN for telephone calling. Over 8 preferred.

Hours: 9-12, 1-5 and 6-9 weekdays. Phone 428-1262: 26 07 OPENING for certified dental assistant In modern progressive dental office. Send resume to Box 788. Heraia ana Review. 26 09 Opportunity Fast growing convenient food chain has immediate opening for Manager In Decatur.

Retail experience helpful but not necessary. We will train you. Attractive starting salary, full benefits, opportunity to advance. Call 423-4587 or pick up application at: White Hen Pantry 1645 W. GRAND, DECATUR 26 06 STOP! ASK YOURSELF 'WHERE WILL I BE AND WHAT WILL I BE DOING 5 YEARS FROM TODAY, IF I CONTINUE WHAT I AM DOING We have 3 sales positions to fill which can aeveiop into management for the right man.

You can Immediately expect to: Average Over $200 Rer Week Commission 2 weeks of schooling In Chicago, expenses paid. guaranteed $700 mo. to start. 60 pet. or better of your income frcm established accounts.

aiven the opportunity to advance ropiaiy into management. house to house canvassing. To Qualify: Must be sports-minded Age 21 or over Ambitious-dependable High school graduate or better Own good car For the right man this is a lifetime career opportunity with an International group of companies. CALL FOR APPOINTMENT NOW! Preston Mangus 422-8800 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

An equal opportunity company 42 42 12 NOW IS THE TIME to get your Miller discs while they are available. Marion Beck Sons, Stonington, 325-3223. 42 07 ORDER YOUR day old chicks now! Hy-Line chicks for eggs, Indian River chicks (straight-run) for fryers. Please note: Ask for dotes for our 5 month old started pullets. Order these.

profitable pullets today while the supply lasts. Any size order accepted. Rothway Chick Hatcheries, Monticello, III. Ph. 217-762-9766.

42 07 SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! On Farm Equipment, Ford Cdrs and Trucks. Don Kuhle Ford, Implement Co. Assumption, 226-3229. 42 09 "SEE US LAST or we'll both lose money." Huberond Sloan, Rt. 36 East, Tuscola, III.

253-2368. 42 09 USED EQUIPMENT: Ford lift disc; IHC 10' dsci; Kewanee 14- disc; Oliver 4-16 semi-mounted plow; Ford 4-14 mounted plow; Ford 5-14 semi-mounted plow; Ford, 2-14 mounted plow; Ford, 9N tractor; Ford NAA tractor; Ford 5000 diesel tractor; Ford 2110-LCG; Ford, 4400 with loader and trencher. Priced to sell. Come in ond see us ot-Decatur Ford Tractor 1005 E. Pershing.

877-5033 42 10 Used Tractors: IH model 706 gas; 190 XT III, UIT ll, Kl, New and used Glencoe field cultivators. icn iiu, uuaiurs una cumgaiors Macon Farm Supply AC DEALERS 28 YRS. 764-3614 42 06 WANTED to hire a man experienced In livestock and crops, home furnished, good salary ana tringe benefits, contact Karl Peterson, 877-3541. 42 07 WANTED Used Midwest minimum tillage, for under tongue of IHC 6 Wide planter. 542-2596 Pana.

42 10 20 PCT. OFF case lots (4 one gallon) Liquid Piperozine Pig Warmer, Hog Cattle Dusting Powder ond Tylon 10. Limited time only. Biehler Hatchery Strasburg, II Ph. (217 644-2432.

42 08 1972 CUB CADETS and attachments, small mowers, snow blowers, trailers, etc Below dealer's cost. Centary Tractor Parts, Tower Hill, III. 42 06 2,000 BUSHEL Behlen corn crib and double corn crib to be torn down. Ph. Mt.

Zion 864-2601. Garden, Lawn, Nursery 44 LAWN TRACTORS, USED 1 JD 140, 14 h.p. with mower 3 JD 110, 8 h.p. with mowers 2 JD 112, 10 h.p. with mowers Many other makes and models to choose from WILLOUGHBY IMP.

CO. ARTHUR, ILL. 543-2131 07 TORO RIDING MOWER, slightly used. 2 Zr Toro rotary mowers, demonstrators. All reducea.

guaranteed. Rusk TV Appliance, Brettwood Village, 877-1067. 44 06 TOWN 'N COUNTRY 8 hp riding lawn mower, like new. Ph. 423-0768 WANTED: plot near West end plowed, harrowed, animal, fertilised by Mar.

15, Ph. 423-1808. 44 08 WHITE ROCK; gravel; sand; cinders; dirt; misc. hauling. Barrels for sale.

Ph. B-U464; 87-5641. Home Improvement 46 46 08 A-ANCHOR plastic pipe, sewer and drain tile, culverts, concrete steps, iron rails, septic tanks, stepping stones, splash blocks, 428-0946. 46 09 ALCAN ALUMINU Siding Sale. Rusco Co.

1909 Taylorville Road, 422-7850. 46 08 ALSCO Aluminum Tedlar finished siding. 40 yr. non-prorated guarantee. Colors guaranteed not to fade.

Four Hallmark applicating crews. Call today for an estimate, you'll be glad you did, 877-5095. A House of Quality. 46 08 ALSIDE ANNUAL winter special, complete coverall of window casings, overhangs, and wood trim. Scheduling Feb.

and Mar. work. Free estimates on expert application. Studebaker 429-4383. 46 10 BIRCH DOORS plus track, (3 pairs), 36x66, $15 per pair.

Ph. 429-7298. 46 06 CARPET CLEARANCE: 300 yds. nylon carpet, (3 colors); Reg. $6.00, priced for clearance at S2.95.

Langley Suburban Upholstery, 4010 E. Fulton. 429-3836. 46 08 CEILING TILE SPECIAL, white 12x12, 9 cents each. 4x7 Spice panels, $2.49 each.

Huff Lumber Co. Rt. 51 S. 423-7572. 46 12 CERAMIC TILE American made, first quality, 7 colors, 49c sq.

rt. Transport Sales Co. 2705 N. Water, 877-5533. -46 08 DISPLAY KITCHENS SAVE 40-50 PCT.

Solid cherry hutch, 4 ft. with decorative grill ond glass doors. Was sale price only $475. ALSO some appliances consisting of dishwashers, drop-in ranges and refrigerators at substantial savings! KITCHEN DISTRIBUTORS 1449 E. Eldorado, 422-5533 46 09 FIREPLACE and Realistic gas logs, 20 pet.

off, for new and remodeled homes. Wood-crofters Sales, 1175 N. 22nd, 423-7742. 46 12 FURNACE, 175,000 BTU, was $500, sell for $225. Phone 429-6120 46 12 LATEX Wall Paint, 20 colors $3.39 matching semi-gloss latex, $3.99 gal.

Transport Sales Co. 2705 N. Water. 46 12 WEATHERED LUMBER, old barn to be torn down by buyer, old windmill tower. 768-4774 Moweaqua.

46 07 WHITE ROCK CA-6 S4 per ton 54.25 per ton Y2" S4.75 per ton Delivery available KRAFT BROS. 422-0631 Turpin Rd. 46 09 WIGGIESAYS: "A man owes It to himself to become successful after that he owes It to the Bureau of Internal Revenue." Change Of Scenery Panel your walls with the paneling that fits Into your decorating scheme. We have 35 panels In stock plus many more to select from to insure getting iust the right one for you I Pecon Horizon Blue Bamboo, 4x8 Vinyl Caramel Gothic Oak, 4x8, 7-16" Mission Birch, 4X8, 7-16" Manhaften Walnut Bone White Avocado Wagon Plank Plantation Red Brick Bathroom Panel, 4x8 4x8VS" CDX Plywood, $6. S3.25 $5.45 S2.75 $3.99 S8.95 $9.65 $6.25 $5.25 SS.25 $7.95 $12.50 $7.50 4x8 BircfV 516.95 White Ceilina Tile, 12x12, 10c From Armstrong: New Intergrid suspended ceilings with no visible metal.

Cash and Carry Open 7:30 p.m. Sat. 'till noon Canfield-Lucas 2540 N. Broadway 877-7142 Pay and Pack-Save Your Jack Farmers' Markets 26 OPPORTUNITY $700 a month to start. No experience necessary, will train.

Be competitive-minded, 21. have car. Will work in your local International sales organization. Call Collect: 312-275-5868, Mon. thru FrU 8 a.m.

to 6 p.m. 26 07 PART TIME HELP, experienced only. Mason's Standard, 1096 W. Main. Apply in person only.

26 07 PART TIME snack food packers. Need several women for 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. shift, working 8 to 30 hrs. per week.

We will train. Apply at 305 W. Cerro Gordo, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon. thru Wed.

26 12 PART TIME, warehouse and delivery, 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., 6 days. Freeman's, 1275 S. Jasper, 423-2732. 26 07 PART TIME, retired or semi-retired.

In good physical condition for delivery and service work. Apply at 945 W. Eldorado, Bickes-Wllbert Burial Vault Co. 2612 RETIRED tool makers and machinists for part-time work. Apply In person Cut-master Tool Boody, III.

26 12 SECOND SHIFT: Journeyman folder operator, many benefits, Illinois Graphics Inc. Rt. 64 and Towanda Blooming- Ton, III. 26 08 TRAINEE Office machine and furniture repair and delivery. Recent high school graduate.

Call 429-2500. 26 06 WANTED to hire a man experienced In livestock and crops, home furnished, good salary and fringe benefits. Contact Karl Peterson, 877-3541 26 09 WANTED: Man for year around farm work, no livestock, paid vacation, house, references please. Call Taylorville 1-217-824 4964. 26 12 WANTED: Retired or pensioned man who is mechanically inclined tor general work during months of Morch, April, May and June.

Apply in person only. I urner fower Equipment, 6900 Bloomlngton Rd. Rt. 51 North, Decatur. 26 06 WE ARE LEASING owner-operators with single axle tractors to pull new and used semi-trailers out of Charleston, III.

area. Contact Charles E. Donbury Co. 802 Madison Charleston, III. or ph.

345-4755 for appointment. 26 07 WOMAN TO help care for 3 small children and do housework, live-in or commute. Ph. 877-2296, days, eve. El win 865-2630.

26 07 X-PECT THE BEST Hedrick Personnel LIC. AGENCY, 363 S. MAIN, 429-4216 FREE PARKING General Office, variety of duties, experience preferred. Free park. $390.

Office Manager, elegant surroundings. Knowledge of accounting. Ability to work with people. $500 up. Junior Secretary, beautiful downtown office.

Llaht shorthand. S350. Receptionist, attractive and people-oriented. S433. Good raises.

Bookkeeper, accountants payable and receivable. Machine experience helpful. S350. Good benefits. Assistant to busy executives, ability to take responsibility and make independent decision.

A career ob for a career type. $55G plus bonus. Fee negotiable. Supervisor for electronic lab. Training or experience.

Accountants, variety of openings-from recent grod to tax accountant. $9,000 to 35.0OC depending on experience. M.E.'s, Chemical Engineers, Electric Engineers for rapidly expanding company. All fee paid and competitive salary ranges. Grain Merchandiser, marketing or agrt economy grad.

Administrative position for college grad, business administration, some accounting courses. Excellent local firm. Good local company needs stable, dependable person with bookkeeping experience. For payroll record keeping, etc Salespeople Wanted 28 28 ffV A CELEBRITY FASHION lewelry distributor (party plan). Part time work, full time pay.

No investment. Write Mrs. Corlne Cash, 169 Homeside East St. Louis, Hi. 63207.

28 12 CANDY SALESMAN, wholesale and retail, top commission. Retirees welcome. Write Box 806 Herald and Review. 2812 FULL-TIME or part time opportunity to earn $150 a week. Good fringe benefits and stock purchase.

Electrolux Sales ond Service. Apply 1159 E. Cantrell. An Equal Opportunity Employer. 28 07 LADY TO SELL Studio Girl Cosmetics.

No territory. We train. Call 428-9105 after 5 or Toll Free 800421-4005. 28 09 NEED LADIES to. do telephone survey work from nice office, experienced.

Ages 21-65. For personal interview come to 1234 W. Cerro' Gordo, ground floor, 9 to 10 a.m. 28 09 NEED $40 TO S75 or more for 2 or 3 even ings per week? We train you to conduct fashion shows for small groups, must hove use of car. For interview call 877-6428; 877- 2994 28 12 NEW COMPANY NEEDS 20 MEN $4.60 Hr.

For Interview call Mrs. Freiberg 423-9734. 28 OLD RELIABLE COMPANY little known in this area has great potential. If interested, Don or Barbara. 428-2933.

28 06 PART TIME SALES service, department cind discount stores in local area. Work own hours. Must have car. $3.50 per hour. no investment.

can or write Mr. Gross, Paper Trends, 51 Greene Street, N. Y-, N. Y. 10013, (212) 966-4116.

28 10 SPECIALIST We have on Immediate opening for an experienced Recreational Vehicle Specialist. Sell the top of the lines with Open Road, Avco, Sportscoach. Liberal pay plan, demonstrator furnished. Insurance program, paid vacations and holidays, liberal fringe benefits. See Bob Scott in person.

No phone calls please. FEHRENBACH CHEVROLET 150 W. PERSHING ROAD DECATUR, ILLINOIS ROUTE SALESMAN Kelly Potato Chip Co. has opening for a truck route salesman, to sell and distribute Kelly's Potato Chips and snack food Items In Illinois. Genuine career opportunity to the right man.

Guaranteed salary plus commission. Experience desirable but not essential. Insurance proaram and vacation plan. Call Decatur 217-428-3465 Wed. Feb.

7 after 9 a.m. for appointment and Interview. Ask for J. B. Weerts.

Help Wanted boi gs. Cats, Other Pets 40 40 12 POODLE PUPS, AKC, Toy whites, tiny reKe-o-Koos; omer colors also, casa de Zulu Kennels, 963-2690. 40 07 POODLE PUPPIES, 2 AKC black females. 1 rene-A-poos, iv mo. old female Samoyed.

423-5501. 40 09 POODLES, AKC, toy and miniature pups. wnne, orown, ana oiacKs. arua service, all colors. 422-5570.

40 06 PUPPIES free for good home, 6 weeks old. Phone 422-3899. 40 09 PUPPIES, part German Shepherd, $2 for temaie, mate bz-siuj. 265V n. Monroe 40 09 PUPPIES, male, brown, 7 weeks old, mix ed Dreea, szu each.

B-0TO after 3. 40 08 SALT AND PEPPER Miniature Schnauzer puppies, ss eacn. Beecher City 618-487-5452. 40 08 SHETLAND SHEEP Dogs (Sheltiescalled miniature conies) 4 wks old, AKC registered, S75. LaPloce 677-4571.

40 08 SPITZ-POOS, puppies, 6 wks, fluffy white. picnnea parentnooa, 525. Ph. 429-6408. 40 09 ST.

BERNARD, AKC registered male, 3 yrs. oia, cnampion oiooa, loves cniidren, great temperament, $100. 423-6560 or 4308 E. Cantrell. 40 12 ST.

BERNARDS, AKC, male ond female, 13 months, gentle, not related. 877-2727. 40 08 TERRIFR-SCOTTIE puppy, 3 mo. old, mostly a'l white. White, also Russian blue-Havanna Brown mixed cats.

After 3:30 all day weekends 423-1893. 40 08 A COMPLETE grooming service for your pet offered by Loretta. Call Eldorado Gardens, 422-8900 for app f. 40 12 A-1 POODLE AND SCHNAUZER groom ing. Guoranreea satisfaction.

Appointment only. Sue Russell. 877-7750. 40 06 AKC puppies and small pets wanted. Standard Pets, 919 E.

Wood, 423-3622. 40 10 AKC Siberian Huskle pups, 3 red and white. 4 black and white, sire group one winner, $125. 217-965-4825 Thayer, III. 40 12 AKC REGISTERED female Toy Dochshund pup, excellent disposition, $50.

429-9750 offer 6 p.m. 40 11 DOG GROOMING SPECIAL: Brina this ad. save 2. Standard Pets, 919 E. Wood, 423- 3622 for appointment.

40 06 FREE PUPPIES part American Eskimo. Small, friendly great for children. Mt. Zion 864-4371 evenings. 40 12 FREE: to good home, 4 Part Husky female puppies.

Coll after 4, 422-9714. 40 10 MISS "B's" Poodle Parlor Grooming, styl ing and supplies. For appointment call Bev Lee, Mt. Zion S64-3aio. 40 09 POODLE GROOMING by appointment on ly.

"We pamper your pet. Call Jean Eaton, 422-0516. 40 10 SANDEMAC Conformation Classes begin Feb. 14, Regal Roller Rink. Be a winner with your purebred dog.

422-6870. 40 07 TRIMMINGS ALL BREEDS: Specializing in Terriers, Miniature Schnauzer stud service. Jean Becker. 422-6211. 40 09 WANTED TO BUY: AKC and purebred puppies.

Call Janene at Eldorado Gardens, 422-8900. Farmers' Markets 42 42 09 AC GENERATORS, 1750 to 5000 wott; electric motors, new-rebuilt in stock. Still's Electric, 932 W. Eldorado, 423-2531. 42 08 ACETYLENE welding and cutting outfits from $99.50.

225 amp arc welders, $95. UK- Mo Products, 534 N. Jasper. 42 07 Al RCO Oxygen, Acetylene outfits, $69; 225 amp. electric $95.

Clinton Welding Supply. 2226 E. Logan. Phone 429-4406. 42 08 ALFALFA Brome heavy wire bales, good condition.

Ph. Wayne Cruitt Findlay 756-8893. 42 08 ALFALFA HAY 900 boles, wire tied, good quality. 1st, 2nd, 3rd cuttings. 423-8597 Elwin 865-2542.

42 08 ANTI-FREEZE permanent: bulk $1.19, own container; gal. jugs, case lots, $1.25. Evans Oil 502 E. Prairie. 42 08 BABY CHICKS and 20 wk.

old De Kalb and Babco*ck pullets. Standard Farms, 919 E. Wood. 42 09 BONANZA buildinqs keep your machinery clean. Bird nesting places ore eliminated.

Moore Farm Building Box 27, Charleston, IIU 345-6355. 42 12 BRADY STALK CHOPPERS, two 6-row. Morion Beck Sons, Stonington, Ph. 325-3223. 42 09 BRED GILTS, Hampshire and Boors, serviceable age.

Len Shaw, Clinton, 935-5376. 42 09 BRIGHT WHEAT STRAW, Wire tied. Matt Graham, Stonington, III. 325-4135. 42 12 CALLAND AND WAYNE Seed Beans from certified seed.

State germination 95 pet. Overhead bin. Earl Rau, Kenney, Ph. 796-3359. 42 09 CASE 1968 1030 diesel with cab, heater, air conditioning, wide front, 18.4x34.65.

$5995. W. P. Balsley, Morrisonvllle 526-4532. 42 12 CASE 1070 demonstrator diesel, power shift, dual PTO, power brakes, cab, air conditioned, heater, low hours, $9639.

Pohl Son, Marine, 618-887-4501. 42 12 CASE 830D, wide front; 18' Glencoe field cultivator, International 14' minimum tillage. Doehring Implement, Windsor 459-2240. 42 10 CHAIN SAWS: HOMELITE, sales and service; chain sharpening, bar repairs. Schwabs Rental, 1118 N.

Water, 423-0732. 42 08 CHAIN SAWS: HOMELITE: New ond used; sales and service. Dick's United Rentals. 736 E. Division, 423-4551.

42 12 CHAROLAIS COW, seven-eighths, due to calve in spring, bred to registered Charolais bull, call John Romine, Garrett, III. 578-2979 after 6. 42 06 CHAROLAIS Cross Heifers, (21) to start calving in April. Duane Kessler, I'A N. Stewardson, Ph.

682-3894. 42 07 COMBINATION stock ond grain trailers, also horse and stock. R. R. Latham, Ph.

674-3429 after 4:30, or Sat. and Sun. 42 06 COMBINE: 1967 model Gleaner combines. Cothem Implement Ramsey 618-423-2622. 42 10 COMBINES, USED MM 3490 with bean platform Oliver 525 with 522 com head and 13' platform Massey-Horris 410 with 4 row quick toch 38" corn head and 15' platform IHC 403 with 4 row 38" corn head and 13' platform WILLOUGHBY IMP.

CO. ARTHUR, ILL. 543-2131 42 12 FEEDER CALVES: 20 head native purebred Herefords. Delbert Wright, Lovington 873-4962. 42 10 Ford 8-N and loader $1050 Gleaner combine, sharp JD 4020 LP S429S JD F-145 5-14 895 BOYD-RODDEN, INC.

JOHN DEERE DEALERS RT. 48 TAYLORVILLE PH. 824-3301 42 06 F-400 gas with fasthltch; F-656 gas with 3 1030 diesel Case with cab, low 10' Miller disc. Raymond Raymond 229-3312. 42 12 HALE -TRAILERS: horse, livestock, pull-type, goose neck, flat-beds, all sizes.

Financing available. Stephen's Trailer Sales, Taylorville 824-2791; Edinburg 623-5660 42 08 HAROGATOR HEADQUARTERS-AII sizes ovailoble. Used mulcher. 15. used 2 vrs.

Good selection of used cultivators. Dealers for New Holland, Kewanee, Glencoe, Busm Hog, Century sprayers. Dowler Equipment Shelbyville, 217-774-2233. 42 09 HORSES; Sorrel mare. Bay mare; colt, 18 months old, all gentle.

Saddles, horse blcnkets, $12. Ph. 877-5968 Heme Improvement 46 44 06 ADD-A-ROOM, complete remodeling service. Game rooms. Work guaranteed.

30 yrs. experience. Ph. 422-9776. 46 06 HOME REPAIRS, paneling, ceiling tile, new kitchens, new bathrooms.

Free estimates. Sim's Lumber 877-5700. 46 07 INSTALLATION, 3x15 1040 sq. priced below cost. Ph.

963-2322. 46 08 REMODELING, decorating, paper, hanging, paneling, ceilings, general repair and maintenance. Ph. 428-0383. Foods, Food Markets 48 12 GENERAL GROCER.

Pick Save meant savings on food needs. Daily Sat. 8-12. 838 N. Broadway.

48 06 MR. FARMER: We process beef for your home freezer. Try our nome-made sausage. Carl's Market, Monroe Sawyer, 877-4671. 48 10 U.S.

A. Choice round steak, $1.29 lb. U.S. A. choice rolled roast, $1.39 lb.

Yeakley's Market, Hammon, III. 262-3213. Business Office Equipment 50 50 08 ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, cosh registers. New ond used. Saies, Service, rentals.

1123 N. Water, 42ft-4371. 50 09 BEAUTY EQUIPMENT, Hydraulic chair, shampoo bowl, gold, excellent condition, $150. Call 877-0835. 50 08 BEAUTY SALON dryers for sale, 14 Helen Curtis dryers, in use now.

Available April 1. White in color, $60 each. Call today, Julia's Coiffures. 875-0379. 50 07 COPYING MACHINE, 3M model 107 With paper dispenser.

$150. Call 422-7080. 50 08 COUNTER TOP Cabinets (2), u. rnone 4ZS-6614 50 07 DENTED AND SCRATCHED, office files ond desks from 20 to 28 pet discount. (7) 4 drawer files, 3 sand, 3 black, 1 green; (2) 2 drawer sand; 4 drawer legal; (2) 30x60 beige desks; 34x72 beige, mini Office Equipment, 226 N.

Main, 422-3111. 50 07 RESTURANT going out of business, must sell all equipment, see 107 W. Main, Ramsey, III. ph. 618-423-2142.

50 09 RESTAURANT Equipment, meat slicers, floor machines, steak broilers, steam tables, dishes, 620 N. Main, 877-8813. 50 09 USED OFFICE FURNITURE: 150 desks-200 office chairs-60files-l lot metal desks, $49.95 ea. Associated Calculators, 356 N. Main.

422-0859. 50 06 3M BRAND background music, $15 monthly or less. Phone 429-0414. Articels for Sale, Trade 52 52 08 AIR COMPRESSOR, Curtis, 2 horse, slngl phase. City Auto Paint Supply, 556 N.

Water. 52 12 AIR-CONDITIONER, 28,000 B.T.U., cost $29, 2 years aao, excellent condition, asking S175. 429-3075, 877-2928. 52 08 BARRELS: Steel or paper for trash or storaqe, etc. 2 mi.

W. of Decatur on Rte. 121 Maxeaon, 8774464; 877-5641. 52 07 BAVARIAN CHINA, still wrapped. $50; hot water tank, 30 used 3 weeks, $30; large heavy tool box, $20.

After 5 p.m. 877- 4466. 52 12 BEADS AND CRAFTS: All new shipments. Lower prices and better selection. Drive out ond save.

Ask about discounts. Bon-naiee's Novelties, illiopolls, III. 52 09 BEADS, PEARLS: 1st quollty only; lerae stock; lowest prices; new shipments, Loughnane, 1015 N. Water. 52 09 BEAMAN'S: Musical figurines, iewelry boxes, plush, etc Valentine candy.

2150 E. Locust, 428-9085. Sun. 10-3. 52 10 BUNDT co*ke pans; fluted, tube pans.

Teflon lined or plain, large size. Free, recipe book. Black 125 E. North. 52 12 CAMERA, like new.

Cannon FT W-Cannon 50 mm Kalimar 35 mm, tripod, elec tronic flosh, S215 429-1478 after 4. 52 09 DEEP WELL PUMP, like new; 2 snow tires 885x15; office desk'and chair. Phont 877-1361 52 10 DIAMOND Crystal water softener salt for softeners or ice and snow. Spalding Hardware, 4307 W. Main, 428-6223.

52 08 DISHWASHER, Sears portable, yr. old, $125. Luggage rack for VW Beetle, $20. 429-9335. 52 12 FILTER QUEEN vocuum and attachments, take over payments.

430 W. Main, apt. 2. 422-8487 52 07 KIRBY, expert repair. Belts, brushes, cords, baqs, wheels.

Walkers, 143 E. Prairie, 429-1014. 52 09 "LAST RESPECTS" by Jerome Weldmon, Author of Fourth Street East, $1.50. Ew-ings, corner Green and Water. 52 12 NEW DISPLAY of Valentine Jewelry! Earrings, pins, large selection of white and paste iewelry.

Reed's 115 N. Water. 52 12 POOL TABLE, regulation, 1" slote, weiah approximately 1000 $395. Ph. 429-3415 52 09 POOL TABLE, like new, $125; gas fireplace logs, $30.

Ph. 423-1081. 52 12 RADIAL ARM SAW, Delta Rockwell 9 inch. Reasonable. Phone 422-3574.

Call between 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 52 08 RUSTY WATER? Culligan clears It up fast! Choose from these two low cost ways. Rental from S5 mo. or own your own for as little as $198.

877-3561. 52 06 SETH THOMAS MANTLE Clock, $40; portable electric Ironer, perfect, $15. 429-4505 after 5. 52 06 SEWING MACHINE SALE. Up to 40 pet.

off on new store demonstrator machines. Quality machines with the latest stitches. Get one today! Open 9-5; 9-8 Mon. Domestic Sewing 525 N. VanDyke 52 06 SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS: Clean, oil, adjust tension, $6.

Free pickup. Domestic Sewing Center, 525 N. Van Dyke. 52 12 SEWING MACHINES: Save on new and used. Service all makes.

VanDeventer's, approved Singer Dealer, Assumption 226. 4031 52 08 SINGER, Domestic, New Home, Kenmore, White, Necchi, and many more" used models from $34.95 up. Stewart Sewing Center. 52 12 SNOWMOBILE, Allied, 18 h.p., demonstrator. Marion Beck Sons, Stonington, Ph.

325-3223. 52 07 TARN-OFF Instant silver cleaner. 7 ounc bottle, $2. Flora Jewelers, 148 E. Main.

52 07 WARDROBES, metal: S18.95; $25.95. Open Sun. 10 'til 3. Railroad Salvage, 144 E. Leafland.

52 11 WATCHMAKERS LATHE, motor, rheostat and chucks; adding machine; electronic calculator. Coffers Jewelry Store, Norfolk Western Depot. 52 06 1500 AVON AWARDS, test bottles. Chance or appointment. Diamond Flynn, 2805 Moultrie, Mattoon.

Bridal Service S3 53 10 FEBRUARY SALE! Wedding gowns, $35; formals, $10, S15. Gates' Bridal Shoppe Florists, 313 N. Main, 423-8066. 53 10 BRIDAL FLOWERS to enhance and compliment your wedding from Svendsen Florists, 2702 N. Broadway.

877-4767. 5310 H. POST SONS Gift For The Bride: for a limited time only, JeReviens Eou de Toilette, only $6, with free reflllable purse-size atomizer. Ideal personal shower or attendant gift. 162 N.

Merchant. 53 10 WE CREATE bridal flowers for the final touch of beauty on your special day. Gates Bridal Shoppe Florists, 423-8066 Wearing Apparel 54 J. CLOSING OUT Resort Wear: 40 pet. off on fall wear; half price off on summer wear; new spring wear now arriving.

J. D. Ruf-fner. Golf Pro, 429-7823. 34 Salespeople Wanted 28 Real Estate Salesman Free Training School RESIDENTIAL DIVISION: Our expanding residential division wants career-minded men with high goals, must be 21 or more.

COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT: People who would like to specialize in commercial inausrriai saies, us. FARM DEPARTMENT: A farm specialist to head up our farm sales, manaaement, etc. CALL MR. KRECKMAN, Manager, for confidential Interview at 4284637. UNITED THE REALTORS ON THE MOVE 305 W.

Eldorado Free Parking 28 06 SALESMAN WANTED for recreational vehicles. Call for appointment. Four Winds. Maroa 794-5113. 28 10 SALESMAN: Train with salary plus commission 1st 3 years.

Ill year old leading life ins. Co. 423-3629. "An equal opportuni ty employer, male-female." WATKINS has something wonderful for ladles! For details, call 428-7160. 28 12 WOULD YOU LIKE to eorn extra money In sales work? All appointments are set up for you ond you have every opportunity for rapid advancement to train others or for management.

Get ahead fast call now 429-1861; 423-1151; or apply office 2650 E. Lrameia. Situation Wanted 30 30 09 BABYSITTING WANTED, evenings and weekends, by highschool student, preferably southeast end of town. Call 426- 66. 30 06 BABYSITTING in my home by licensed mother, Dennis School area.

Phone 422- 8121 30 09 BABYSITTI NG wanted by licensed mother Westside home. Ph. 423-7620 30 09 BABYSITTING WANTED: Reliable mother, reasonable rates. Coll 429-9746. 30 03 BOOKKEEPING: Accounts Receivable ana Payable, Payroll, in home or office.

Dar-rell ToMiver, 4230992 after 1 p.m. 30 09 GAL FRIDAY, general office, accounts re ceivable ana payable, payroll ana faxes. enjoys public, prefers small office. references, 429-9228 30 09 HOUSECLEANING wanted, S3 for light; $3.50 for heavy, days. Argenta, 795-4836.

30 06 IRONINGS wanted, experienced, neat, re liable and fast work done. Phone 3010 NURSES olde In your home, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Experienced. Have own transporta tion.

Also will do housework. 877-8712. 30 06 RECENT VET, grad student, needs work. part time, weekends. Phone 87-6291 30 06 WISH TO WORK at home.

Typing or record work. Knowledge of bookkeeping. Call Clinton 935-5826. Vocational Training 32 32 09 ELECTRONIC Technology and Color TV servicing. Full or part time.

Start any Monday. Evening class forming now. Free placement service, veteran approved. Write, Phone, Visit Electro Tek, 131 N. Church, Decatur, 423-5241 In our sixth year." Business Opportunity 34 34 12 BEAUTY SALON, very nice, fully carpeted, 8 stations, reasonable.

Box 2094, Decatur, III. 62526 34 12 DOG AND SUDS with equipment. Con be moved. Don Kuhie, Assumption, 226-3290. 34 0g FRANKLIN MALL will have space avail.

oble for the right kind of craft or gift shop or what have you in present or future ex pansion, contact Ralph Owen, 423-6051 or come to 304 S. Franklin, days or even ings. 34 06 FURNITURE CO. In Decatur doing over $100,000 a year business, loaded with all new furniture, lots of office equipment, 3 trucks. Will sacrifice for Owner In Carle Clinic Hospital.

Reply to Box 787 Decatur Heraia ana Keview. 34 10 RESTAURANT and Custard Stand for sale by owner. Gross Sales, over For more information reply to Box 801 Decatur Herald and Review. 34 07 TEXAS REFINERY CORP. offers oppor tunity tor high income plus cash bonuses, convention trips and fringe benefits to mature man in Decatur area.

Regardless of experience, air mail N. B. Pate, Texas Refinery Box 711, Fort Worth, Texas 76101. 34 10 BY BUILDER 2466 Florian Ave. New 11 unit brick opt.

building In wooded setting. 877-7618, 877-4116. 34 08 EXCLUSIVE HIGH PROFIT service business developed over past 17 years. Total Investment $27,900, cash required 57,900. Write-wire or call for brochure and prospectus.

CO, P.O. Box 996-17 S. River janesviiie, Wisconsin 53545 phone area 608-754-2605. 34 07 LOOKING FOR a good buy In a tavern That's been in business 25 years 11 owner), how's this: located on State Highway with 56,000 monthly sales, brick building, all furniture, fixtures and equipment, $20,000 cash, no contract. Owner retiring.

ONE OF the better bars In Decatur. Runn ing $8,000 monthly sales, located In area with heavy traffic Excellent and adequate equipment, good lease on building, ade quate parking. 530,000 cash, no con tract. $50,000 WILL BUY this concrete elevator with 60,000 bu. capacity, 150,000 bu, capacity metal storage 30'x60 pole building, 60' concrete scales, office building ond all office equipment, swit ching on 2 railroads, on State Highway near interstate in excellent location, Owner retiring.

TOM PETTY, REAL ESTATE OAKLAND, PH. 346-2151 Insurance 38 38 12 AUTO INSURANCE PROBLEMS? Cancelled, refused, over age, under age, too many accidents! Monthly payment plan. Campbell's, 1198 N. Main, 423-7781. Dogs, Cats, Other Pets 40 AIRDALE PUPPIES, $25.

Jim Ray 3V4 miles west on Rock Springs Rd. 40 09 AQUARIUMS, accessories, quollty tropical fish and plants. Buy with confidence from Flnley's, 1542 N. Church. 40 08 BESENJI puppies, trls and reds, AKC, 5 weeks old.

Ph. 422-1988 after 6, all day Sat. and Sun. 40 09 BORDER COLLIE PUPS, 7 Weeks Old. Phone Blue Mound 692-2563.

40 10 BLOND co*ckER oupoies, 6 weeks old, AKC, perfect Valentines, $40. Pana 562: Mi. 40 07 CHIHUAHUA puppies, matrons for pets, asthma or breeding, stud servIce.Also for Manchester service. 877-5911. 40 07 CHIHAUHAUS, longcoats, AKC, closeout all stock.

Package deal preferred. 963-2690. 40 08 GREAT DANE Hariiquln puppies, excellent blood line. Ph. Neoga 895-3123.

Hariiquln stud service available. 40 07 LABRADORS, black, AKC (10), 6 weeks, 9 field champion within 2 generations, excellent litter. 877-4071. 40 12 PEKE-A-POOS, black ond white, 1705 E. Cantrell, phone 429-3276 after 4:30 p.m.

40 08 PERSIAN CATS, registration and pedigree papers. Breeding and show prospects. Terms available. 877-3216. Help Wanted 24 26 12 RESTAURANT HELP.

6 days, no Sundays. Apply In person only, Schafer's. 242 E. William. 26 06 RETAIL SALES: excellent opportunity with a rapidly expanding company, 40 nr.

wk. Pleasant working conditions ond many fringe benefits. Photographic experience desirable. An equal opportunity employer. Apply In person.

Fox Photo, 821 N. Water. 26 07 RN OR experienced LPN, 3 to 11, 5 day week. Woodland Nursing Center, Mt. Zion Call for appt.

weekdays 428-0909. 26 12 R.N. or LP.N. Port time or full 3-11, 11-7 shifts Please apply in person or call: LAKESHORE MANOR 1293 S. 34th.

St. Decatur. III. 429-2313 26 08 SALAD GIRL, experience required. Apply In person Surrey Restaurant, 134 E.

Proirie. 26 12 Salaried Sales Position Sell and service all lines of insurance in Decatur area for a progressive insurance Co. We offer 3 weeks of classroom training in inicago, run salary and all expenses paid. Full company benefits, including poid vacation, hospitalization, retirement plan, sick leave, etc. The salary? $7,500 annual guaranteed salary, plus commission on all new business.

Average first year earnings? $12,700. PH. MRS. MILLER 800-252-9464 Sentry Insurance Co. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EPLOYER 26 09 SALESPERSON, experienced, mature, pleasant.

Part-time. Apply in person. Gates' Bridal Florists, 313 N. Main. 26 i2 SECRETARY part time.

Typing, bookkeeping helpful general office duties. Send resume to Box 803 Decatur Herald and Review. 26 06 SECRETARY: Well groomed qal; Here It Is! Interesting work-no shorthand. Well Known tirm. Benefits.

5 days $399. Call Peg Shaw 429-2421, Plus Personnel. Lie. Agcy. 26 07 SECRETARY part time- We hove an opening tor a secretary who can type.

meet the Public and work a variety of hours. If you enioy rne challenge ot work ing wiTh people, this lob is for you. Apply Personnel Office, Decatur Memorial Hospital. 26 07 SECRETARY-BOOKKEEPER, must be able to do payroll. Phone 486-2101 IlliopoliS.

26 09 SERVICE STATION attendant, day and night shifts, full and part time, must be clean, neat, ond on speakina terms with the barber. See Bob, at West Pershing Texaco, Pershing and Oakland, or Pershing Texaco at Pershing and wuier. 26 07 SEWING FACTORY help wanted, ex perienced or will train, excellent oppor- yuniry. Komiey o. 544 n.

Main. 26 10 SHEET METAL EXPERIENCE Never a lay off! Friendly small shop! Don't apply for this vacancy if you are looking for a routine job. Expereince required for common operations of' Brake Layout Intersections or Transitions not re quired. Rote: $3.84 to $4.36 deoendlna on ex perience. Group insurance paid, Cost of Living, Automatic wage increase, 10 Hoi lays, etc.

VEGA ENTERPRISES, INC. HARRISTOWN, ILL. 8 Ml. WEST OF DECATUR 26 06 STEAM TABLE or grill help, experienced. apply in person.

Kings Restaurant, 850 Main. 26 08 SURVEYOR: Local firm will train high school grad for exciting career in highway surveying. Company benefits. Start $5200. Call Dave West, 429-2421, Plus Personnel; Lie.

Agcy. 26 07 TEACHER part time, high Income op portunity. You will be trained to use your skills profitably holding weekend seminar in your home town. Insurance background preterrea, dut not necessary, write P.O. BOX 986, Champaign, III.

61820. 26 10 TECHNICAL MAN WANTED for career opportunity to learn servicing of audio visual equipment, closed circuit video, 16 MM sound proiec tors, etc. Some background in electronics required. School and-or experience. Call Fox Audio Visual for appointment, 429-2473.

26 07 TIME CLERK: Trainable type needed by local firm to handle time sheets and do light figure work. 44 hours, advance, start $4,160. Call Gary Drake, 429-2421, Plus Personnel, Jic. Agcy. 26 06 TRUCKER, warehouseman, labor for farm customer service, good pay.

Landers Seed Sullivan, 728-4323. 26 07 TYPIST, downtown office, experienced1. Send resume to Box 790, Decatur Herald and Review. 26 06 TYPISTS, stenos, calculator operators. Put your skills to work.

Good pay. No fee. Manpower, 144 S. Main. 26 06 WAITRESS, evenings, apply In person MeNo-Creme Donut Shop, 250 N.

Jasper 26 06 WAITRESS, must be experienced with good work record and over 21. Angelo's Italian Restaurant, 1590 E. Pershing. 2612 WAITRESS: food ond co*cktail 'waitress. Apoly otter 5 p.m.

Tom's 1800 N. Main. 26 12 WAITRESS, 6:30 a.m. p.m., also niaht waitress, 9:00 p.m.-5:00 a.m. Apply mornings, Howard's, 1745 E.

Eldorado. 26 12 WAITRESS wanted experience, over 18, 11 to 7. Apply in person 41311 W. Main 26 06 WAITRESSES, days or evening shift. See Pat or Alberta.

Pla-Mor Snack Bar, 2121 N. 22nd. 26 12 WAITRESSES: Positions available for evening work In modern pleasant surroundings. Neatness in appearance is necessary end experience is preferred. co*cktail waitresses also needed for part time late evening work.

Apply In person at The Holiday Inn of Decatur to Mrs. Sut-man. 26 12 WAITRESSES fujl time dav and night. Apply in person. Tops Big Boy Ml b.

Pershing. 1 26 10 YARD MOWING all summer. Your own grass cotchina equipment and truck for disposal. Write Box 792 Herald and Review. I 26 09 A-1 SEAMSTRESS, mature, for position with good potential.

References. Call 422-j 8886 3-5 42 09 GLEANER E. 1964, combine, cab and eor- nhead, 13' grain head, header control; baled stubble clover; mixed hay; pair of 16.9x34 dual IHC hubs. Ph. Westervelt 738-2655.

42 12 IHC 450 diesel; IHC 1800 Oliver, gas; JD 70 diesel; JD 730 gas; 3010 gas. 4020 diesel, power shift; 4020 diesel, wide front. These tractors are above average. We will have a red-hot deal on new JD tractors. Harry Wallace Sons Equip.

4 mi. E. on Rt. 16, Shelbyville 774-2733. 42 09 JD ROTARY HOES (2), good.

Call Alfred Anderson, R.R. 1, Oreana, 468-2360. 42 12 JD 5020, 24.5 tires with 24.5 duals, sharp! Wesley Chamberlain. Herrlck, III. 618-428-5727 after 6 p.m.

42 07 JD 1971, 2020, RU, $4400; JD 4020 Gas, $4350; JD 4020 $6650; JD 4010 $3850; JD 730 S2250; Rodden-Johnson, Clinton 935-9448. 42 07 JOHN DEERE Industrial equipment. Martin Equip. R. R.

1, Toiono, 485-6755. Nick Platis, Decatur, 877-6730. 42 12 LARGE SIOUX STEAM CLEANER, gas fired. Marlon Beck Sons, Stonington, Ph. 325-3223.

42 06 MARLOWE, pto lVa" pump; has Buffalo meter. Excellent condition for fertilizing ond chemical spreading. Stonington 325-4114. 42 08 NEW IDEA 311 picker, 8 roll ond 314 sheller, picked about 800 acres. John Hortenstine, Gays, 752-6593.

42 07 Oliver 1850 diesel, hydraulic cliider and weights Oliver 1850 gas, hydraulic cylinder and weights Oliver 1750 gas, hydraulic cylinder and weights "Perfect Condition" Oliver 1600 gas sleeves and pistons Excellent MM Model M-5 tractor, power steering and hydraulic Oliver 565 5-14-16" shear plan semi-mount plow Oliver 3 and 4 bottom MTrlp Base, high clearance plows" Mt. Zion Farm Store OLIVER 6-16 or 6-18, No. 548 plow, new. Contact Frank Lubbers, Cisco, III. 42 11 PLANTERS, used: 8 row John Deere 30" plateless; several 4 row planters.

I. H. Sales Service, Mattoon, 234-7468. 42 11 PLANTERS: New 400 Cyclo planters, 4, 6, ana a row wiae ana narrow on nand now. Used JD 495, and 894; Oliver 540 4 row.

O. Funk Son, Bement 678-4501. 42 06 PLANTERS: Used 894A with fertilizer. acroplant runners, $1495. Stahl Imp.

Co. Ml. Pulaski, 792-5931. 42 12 POLES FOR IMPLEMENT SHEDS, 20 to 30 feet in length. Marion Beck Sons, Stonington, Ph.

325-3223. 42 07 QUARTER FILLY, registered. 2 years, red dun, blaze face and 2 socks. Gentle, green broke. 429-9514.

42 07 REGISTERED ANGUS Bulls. IH-560G 2 point hitch, new tires, A-1; Dorsey livestock frailer, 40 long, A-1. Road ready. n. ivesaaie 304-48.

42 10 SOYBEAN Rgeistered Amsoy 71, Registered Wayne, Registered Bonus, Certified Wayne. Landers special blended formulas of legumes and grosses is your best buy In 1973. For over 15 yrs. Landers blended formulas have been tested to prove extra performance when used for hay or soil building. Landers blends costs less and yield more.

Also a full line of legumes and grasses. Complete Farm Home supplies. Visit Us! Landers Seed Sullivan, III. Ph. 728-4323.

42 09 TRACTORS: IH 856D; JD 4020 AC 190 XT Oliver 1750 Ford 6000 G. Make your plans now to attend our festivities on Friday. Feb. 23. Special prices on everything.

Larry Coffee Inc. Sullivan 728-7364. 42 08 TRACTORS: 706D with cab; 704D with 310 engine, (2) tractors. 93 Combine. Hof-fmon Implement Ramsey 618-423-2028.

42 10 TRACTORS, USED 6O6D; 706G; 706D; 656; 560; ond AC 190 LP. Combines: IH 503 with 430 head; 403 with 229; 303 with 228 203 with 227; 151; 141; JO 45; JD 55 with 210 head and MH 300 with 222 head. New Idea 701 and 702 power units with 720 heads and 722 shelters. McFeeters, IH Dealers, East Junction Rte 10 and 54. Clinton, 935-3151.

42 07 TRACTORS, used: 4020 diesel; 4020 gas, power shift; 4020 gas with wide front. F. H. Bland Sons, Bethany, 665-3394. 4J 10 Tractors IHC 300, sharp, overhauled JD 4010, diesel, sharp IHC 1466-1972 (2) IHC706wldefront IHC 560 diesel widefront Oliver 1850 diesel, 1966 JD 4020 diesel, 1967, new tires, cab JD 50 gas, runs good JD4520 cab JD 4020 diesel, turbo, power shift IHC 400 with loader 5850 S3950 $11,500 $3250 $3250 V700 $5950 650 $7800 $5200 $1400 Sloan's ASSUMPTION 226-3211 42 09 TRACTORS: Formall 400 with loader; I Farmall 560 D's; Case 1030 diesel with cab; Farmall 3 F806 D's; Oliver 1850.

Preview '73 Open House. Feb. 16. Oreana IH Sales Service, Oreana, 468-2323; or Decatur 423-0640. 42 10 TRACTORS: 706G; 560G; 560D, fast hitch; 1970 AC 220.

1966 403 combine; 3-30" corn head, sharp. Planters: 4 row case, sharp; 494 JD dry fertilizer. IHC 56 6-30" row. Yoder Imp. I.H.

Dealers, Arthur, 543-2116. 42 06 TRACTORS used IH 656; 806 806 JD 720 D. New 1972 1066 and 1466 tractors. Used 8 row narrow and 6 row wide corn planters. George H.

Dunn Farmer City 928-2154. 42 08 WAYNE SOY BEANS, 1 yr. out of registered seed, 84 pet. state germination test. $6 per bu.

Don Puyear, Bethany, 665-3650. 42 12 WHEAT STRAW, wire tired; Groyco air grease gun; phone Mt. Pulaski 792-5425 42 10 H. Metzger Co. Pane, III.

John Deere Deoler, Pana, 562-4524 Rt. 16 and 51 at Pana 42 DAILY HOG MARKET In Sullivan, Quollty Hogs needed. Interstate Producers. Phone 728-4328 Sullivan. 42 06 Farming Frontier Days TUESDAY, FEB.

6, 1 P.M. HARRY WALLACE SONS EQUIP. 4 ml. E. Shelbyville, III.

Rt. 16 42 07 FEBRUARY CLEARANCE: Canvas ond nylon tarpaulins, 12c sq. ft. up. Large 20x40 tent sections, $50 ea.

Goosedown lackets and sleeping bags, $39.95 up. Complete nylon and canvas repair service. Decafur Tent Awning 550 N. Morgan 422-1458. 42 06 FOR SALE: Bulk Certified Wayne and Amsoy '71 seed beans-bagged Certified Amsoy 71, Beeson, Corsoy, Coliand, Clark 63, Wayne, 5Rr 30, SKt- uu, ron-Certified Baaoed Amsoy, Cutler, Calland, Corsoy, and Wane Beans Complete line of legumes and Grasses, Tabor Seed Division.

4248 West Main Street, Decatur, Illinois 62522. Phone 429-4040. 42 06 HORSES BOARDING: Box stalls; also pasture; riding privileges and horses for Sale. Pft. 42S-9340 Or 422-8 16Z.

42 07 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY on new tractors, plows, disks, field cultivators and chisel polws In a wide range of stzes. Come In and check our prices. Case Power Equip. 271 5. 27tn.4ZVy.il8..

Herald and Review from Decatur, Illinois (2024)
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Author: Kelle Weber

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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.