The LOVE Building, a hub for social justice and creative community in Detroit’s Core City neighborhood, is finally opening its doors to the public from September 3-6 with four days of community events.
The week will kick off with an open house on Tuesday, Sept. 3 from 10 a.m.-4 p.m., allowing people to meet the team at the building, as well as the organizations who reside there. The five-floor nonprofit space serves as a home for six organizations, including Allied Media Projects, Detroit Community Technology Project, Detroit Disability Power, Detroit Justice Center, and Detroit Narrative Agency.
At the opening, people can learn how the organization plans to support local residents, promote social justice, and foster creative communities.
On Wednesday, Sept. 4, a town hall will take place from 6-8 p.m., allowing community members to hear more about the LOVE Building’s vision, programming, and initiatives, understanding its commitment to community development and inclusion.
From 5-9 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 5, a mural titled “Ancestral Love, Moving Us Forward,” honoring influential community members, will be unveiled, along with local artist Taylor Childs’s solo exhibition and interactive art installation.
Finally, to end the festivities with a bang, a house party will happen at the LOVE Building on Friday, Sept. 6 from 7 p.m.-midnight. A DJ will activate the main event and restaurant spaces, with designated seating areas for disabled participants and the elderly, making the event accessible for everyone.
“We’re excited to formally welcome the community at large into The LOVE Building and give them a glimpse of beautiful things to come,” Kwaku Osei, Executive Director of The LOVE Building, said in a statement. “In many ways this is our opportunity to show folks why we’re so optimistic for our collective future between sharing what our partners in the building are up to, what we’ve planned and what we’re considering, as well as how we’ll leverage this space to be a community asset and vehicle for empowerment of residents, social justice activists, and creatives across the city!”
To learn more and RSVP to the events, you can visit
Detroit’s LOVE Building welcomes Kwaku Osei as new executive director: The Core City nonprofit organization will begin public programming throughout the coming months
Location Details
The LOVE Building
4731 Grand River Ave, Detroit
(313) 241-8617
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